Short Term Mission News & Sharing

  • Journey of Faith – STM

    Mission Concern Team

    STM stands for Short Term Mission. In actual fact, these are Journeys of Faith. In CCIL, STM can range from short 3-day weekends to trips which last a month or two. The aim of these trips is to give brothers and sisters a chance to experience God and to serve Him in an unfamiliar, cross-cultural and cross geographical environment. In recent years, many mission agencies have found that short term missions projects – ranging from a few weeks to a year or two – can be an effective part of their ministry and can help young people in particular to develop a mission orientated mindset. This may in turn lead to them wanting to become long term missionaries, and also help to facilitate the gathering of prayer and financial support for mission partners.

    MCT fully supports and actively promotes Short Term Mission and we encourage students and others in our church to participate in them.

    • Do you want to experience the incredible opportunity to see the transforming power of the gospel at work in another context?
    • Do you have a passion for Christ’s church?
    • Do you feel a calling for Cross-culture mission?
    • Do you have a heart for the poor and persecuted?

    Are you prepared to move out of your comfort zone, expand your horizons and make a difference; are you willing to face the uncertainty of stepping into another culture; willing to be inspired, challenged and changed and to grow in your faith?

    If the answer is the affirmative to all of the above, you are ready to go on STM!

    What next?
    Now is the time to unpack your reasons for going on a short term mission
    • Share your ideas with those close to you for example in your fellowship/prayer groups and ask them to pray with you.
    • Talk to your pastor or congregation leader, the MCT Rep; ask for their advice; ask about ways in which we could support you.
    • Talk with others who have gone on short term mission trips – or have been involved with mission work.
    • Above all, pray. Be conscious of God’s leading.

    This year, many brothers and sisters have responded to God’s calling and have stepped out of their comfort zones to reach out to the wider world. A few of them have shared their experiences here. May their testimonies move you to GO!

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( Click on hyper links below for more details)

Short Term Mission GO2024 Organisers Closing Date
England STM (click on Red Hyperlink for details)

Appleby Horse Fair Lancaster Gypsies Festival STM

Jun 6-12 

STM Lancaster with Rev Ronnie who has the heart for Gypsies

Appleby Horse Fair Lancaster Gypsies 2024

19 May 2024

London Bridge Project Engaging Muslim STM

Jun 30-Jul 6 /11 Cycle 1; Full  Cycle 2;  Jul 28 – Aug 3/8  Cycle 3

London Bridges Project 2024

London Bridge Orientation Handbook 2023

Cycle 1 – 16 Jun 2024

Cycle 3 – 14 Jul 2024

Edinburgh Christian Heritage (ECH) Street Cafe STM

Aug 16-19

Edinburgh Christian Heritage with Paul 2024

Edinburgh Christian Heritage Street Cafe 2024 Video

30 Jun 2024

Teen Street OM UK Aug 3 – 9

Capernwray, Camforth


Operation Mobilisation

OM Teenstreet 2024 overview

Check on OM Website

Glasgow Students Outreach, Scotland

Sep 13-16

Glasgow Chinese Gospel Church Student outreach 2024 4 Aug 2024
Europe STM (click on Red Hyperlink for details )
Toulouse Families STM Mar 29 – Apr 1


Toulouse STM 2024 supporting Loretta Ho

Loretta Ho Missionary Toulouse sharing

Croatia STM
Youth & Kids Camps Jul 17-26 now changed to 5-14 Aug 

Andy & Lim Warner – Pioneers

Croatia STM 2022 Youth & Kids Camp video 

STM Croatia 2023 video

STM Croatia STM 2024 Youth & Kids Camp 

26 May 2024

now changed to 30 Jun

Summer Nightlife Outreach (SNO) STM YWAM

Aug 3-17 

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) 2024…Ibiza (Spain), Albufeira (Portugal), Vama Veche (Romania), Crete (Greece) 30 Jun 2024

STM Romania Ukrainian Refugee

NO STM for  2024

Support Missionaries Franki Yip & Rev Dorin Dumitrascu

STM Romania Relief for Ukrainian Refugee 2023

STM Romania 2022 Ukrainian Refugee video

Africa  / South America / Asia STM (Click on Red Hyperlink for details)
North Thailand STM  Jun 24-Jul 1  Thailand Mukdahan 2024 Supporting Anson & Kitty 14 Apr 2024
Amazon Hope STM May to Oct Amazon Hope Brazil 2024 Check on Amazon Hope Website
Tanzania STM Sep 21-28

STM Tanzania – Janice & Mads Moravian Mission Denmark

Janice & Mad Tanzania video Jun 2023

Tanzania STM 2024

4 Aug 2024
Global Mercy Ship TBC

Mercy Ships Volunteer

Supporting Sarah & Thomas as volunteers on the ship

Check on Mercy Ships Website


Any queries please contact: (

Katie Woo, Mission Secretary (

or your congregation MCT representative

For application, please fill in / download the forms. Please return the application and addendum information forms to MCT( and pass the reference form to your referee who will send the form back to us.

STM Application Form STM Addendum Info STM Reference
STM Support Guidelines