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2024 Sermon Series (Transformational Church) Booklet
“Theology comes alive to the degree we ‘get it’. People of God knows someone ‘got it’ when it becomes
transformative and re-creational when we exhibit fruitfulness of multiplication.” (Graham McFarlane)
- 7th January – 31st March : Transformation by learning Jesus from the inside-out
“When an egg is broken from outside, it is food; when broken from the inside, it is life.” (anonymous)
Each of the four gospels has its own unique theology based on its selection of material. In this sermon series, ten (10) passages unique to Luke’s gospel have been selected. These texts highlight the theological ideas of the gospel of Luke, which places special emphasis on the theme of “reversal,” meaning that people who appear to be godly, spiritual, and honoured on the outside are not as good as those who seem to be less spiritual on the outside. In fact, God values our inside and our heart, not just the outside. So we should reflect on whether we are truly godly from the inside-out by studying these ten (10) exclusive passages of Luke.
Date Theme Chapter 07/01/2024 A life being fully reversed* (story of Zaccheus) Luke 19:1-10 14/01/2024 Special Sunday CCiL Anniversary:
Transformational Church: learning Jesus from the inside-out2 Cor. 3:18 21/01/2024 Deeper love comes from greater grace*
(forgiveness of the sinful woman)Luke 7:36-50 28/01/2024 Compassion has no boundaries* (good Samaritan) Luke 10:25-37 04/02/2024 Choosing the best* (Martha and Mary) Luke 10:38-42 11/02/2024 Special Sunday: Chinese new-year celebration to be specified by speaker 18/02/2024 The joy of being lost and found* (parable of the prodigal son) Luke 15:11-32 25/02/2024 Making an eternal investment* (the wise steward) Luke 16:1-13 03/03/2024 Eternal life and eternal death* (the rich man and Lazarus) Luke 16:19-31 10/03/2024 Special Sunday: Loving mother as agent of change* (Mother’s Day) Prov. 31:1-10 17/03/2024 How can you forget?* (the ten Lepers) Luke 17:11-19 24/03/2024 Who is more righteous?* (prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collector) Luke 18:9-14 31/03/2024 Rekindling faith* (disciples on the road of Emmaus) (Easter Sunday) Luke 24:13-35 Note: * all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.
- 7th April – 30th June : Transformation of Jacob: from heel-holder to Israel’s ancestor
“The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.” (Dwight L. Moody)
Through the story of Jacob, we can see how an ordinary man can be full of struggles in life. At the same time, however, we can also see the grace of the Lord in choosing and establishing the nation of Israel, and its long lineage of ancestors. Jacob’s story is a story about human relations such as parenting, brotherhood, husband and wife, but it is also a story about facing failures and, most importantly, facing the Lord. The apostle Paul reacted to this story and further developed his theology of election in the book of Romans. He said that the will of God in election (in choosing people) depends not on human deeds, but on the Lord who calls. Through Jacob’s story, every believer could grasp the essence of being a disciple: behind Jacob’s numerous flaws, there is a heart that firmly clings to the Lord.
Date Theme Chapter 07/04/2024 Priority over genetics* Gen. 25:19-26; Rom. 9:10-13† 14/04/2024 What’s behind the liar and the cheat?* Gen. 25:27-34, 27:1-29† 21/04/2024 Family disaster and first escape* Gen. 27:30-28:5 28/04/2024 First Encounter with the Lord* Gen. 28:10-22 05/05/2024 When the father of your beloved wife is an expert liar* Gen. 29:1-30, 30:25-43† 12/05/2024 Quarrels within Jacob’s family* Gen. 29:31-30:24† 19/05/2024 Special Sunday: Carelinks Sunday to be specified by speaker 26/05/2024 Another escape: flight from Laban’s family* Gen. 31:1-55† 02/06/2024 Facing Esau whom Jacob hurts so much* Gen. 32:1-21 09/06/2024 Wrestling with the Lord* Gen. 32:22-33:20† 16/06/2024 Special Sunday: Loving father as agent of change* (Father’s Day) Prov. 22:1-9 23/06/2024 Identity change and loss of beloved wife* Gen. 35:1-26† 30/06/2024 The lost son regained* Gen. 46:1-7, 46:26-47:12† Notes:
* all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.
† speaker should choose a smaller portion of the texts to be read out during service.
- 7th July – 11th August : Transformation through healing and empowerment
“I want to change my circumstances. God wants to change me.” (Rick Warren)
In our pursuit of transformation beside learning Jesus’ teachings and his exemplary holy and obedient life, we need to receive his healings and empowerment – be it spiritual, physical and emotional – so as to reach spiritual wholeness. One good spiritual resource is to learn from the books of Psalms and Ephesians in order to understand how his promises heal and empower us. King David in Ps. 51 was very aware that he needed to regain that joy of salvation once again by transformation of his unclean heart through God’s forgiveness. The deeper we appreciate the forgiveness of God in our weaknesses the deeper will be the transformation and the consequent joy. In Ps. 103 we see the benefits of trusting in a God who promises to heal, to forgive and to bless. We can always come to God and seek his promises over our needs. Ps. 46 calls us to be still and know that he is control especially in the midst of storm. He is our true security, but sadly many find it in the wrong place. Ps. 91 is a very comforting psalm that directs us to be rested in the presence of God. Unless our soul is at rest in God almighty himself, we can never have true peace, and will often be caught up with anxieties, worries and burdens which affect our spiritual transformation. In Eph. 3 and 5, the apostolic prayer Paul lifted and the imperative command to be constantly filled by Holy Spirit are crucial in our transformation. We need God’s power and love for victorious living
Date Theme Chapter 07/07/2024 Restoring the joy of salvation* Ps. 51 14/07/2024 His promises to forgive, heal and bless us* Ps. 103 21/07/2024 The true security in the midst of storm* Ps. 46 28/07/2024 Finding rest in his presence* Ps. 91 04/08/2024 Apostolic prayer for our empowered victorious living* Eph. 3:14-21 11/08/2024 A Spirit-filled life* Eph. 5:15-20 Note: * all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.
- 18th August – 27th October : Transformation through faith in Jesus and empowerment by the Holy Spirit
“You’ve got to admit you’re broken before you can be made whole.” (LeCare)
Step into the most comprehensive and systematic presentation of the gospel in the bible, as we explore the first eight(8) chapters of Romans. These chapters present the core of the gospel message itself (the rest of the book, which we are not covering this time, discusses God’s sovereignty in salvation and the outworking of the gospel in practical living). At the heart of this message is Paul’s declaration in chapter 1, that the gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
In fact, Paul’s passionate gospel presentation is not just a theological treatise – he wrote it to address pressing issues in the Roman church, where the clash between Jewish and Gentile believers threatened the unity of the church. So Paul presented the gospel as the basis for their unity – and ours. If we are united around the gospel message itself – God’s universal salvation plan for all believers – then cultural and secondary theological differences should not hinder our unity. It’s not just history – this is a timeless truth that will transform our lives and our church as we study it today.
Date Theme Chapter 18/08/2024 Not ashamed of the gospel: Paul’s mission* Rom. 1:1-17 25/08/2024 No excuses: Gentiles are guilty* Rom. 1:18-32 01/09/2024 No excuses: Jews are guilty too* Rom. 2† 08/09/2024 Righteousness through faith* Rom. 3† 15/09/2024 Abraham: faith that justifies* (Mid-Autumn Festival) Rom. 4† 22/09/2024 Reconciliation through Jesus Christ* Rom. 5:1-11 29/09/2024 From Adam to Jesus: a journey from death to life* Rom. 5:12-21 06/10/2024 Alive in Christ: sin no longer dominates* Rom. 6† 13/10/2024 The law: a schoolmaster of grace* Rom. 7† 20/10/2024 Life in the Spirit: embracing freedom in Christ* Rom. 8:1-17 27/10/2024 More than conquerors* Rom. 8:18-39 Notes:
* all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.
† speaker should choose a smaller portion of the texts to be read out during service and to focus on.
- 17th – 24th November : Missional Discipleship – unleashing a diverse and innovative generation of disciples
Mission Series Sermon : To be confirmed
- 3rd – 10th November & 1st – 29th December : To be successful and victorious in the eyes of Jesus Christ
“There can be no renewal, revival, or rebuilding without a vision for and an experience of the all-consuming, all-illuminating presence of God.” (Ed Stetzer & Thom S. Rainer)
How do we measure a church as a “successful” church? Is it the number of members? Is it how much
money is given? Is it how smooth the ministry is doing? The book of Revelation portrays the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who stands in the midst of the golden lampstand, whose eyes are like a flame of fire, whose eyes behold every church, who sees what is going on in every church, and who sees the spiritual reality of every church. How does he measure the “success” of a church (after all, success in his eyes is true success)? How does success in his eyes differ from ours? What are his words to the seven churches in Asia as a reminder and encouragement to CCiL today? Through this sermon series, may the Lord himself, who is also in the midst of our congregations, speak to us, remind us, discipline us, inspire us; and pray that the Lord will help us become a successful and victorious church in his eyes.Date Theme Chapter 03/11/2024 The LORD in the midst of the golden lampstand* Rev. 1:9-20 10/11/2024 The church of Ephesus: A church that lost the first love* Rev. 2:1-7 01/12/2024 The churches of Smyrna & Laodicea: churches of the poor & of the rich in the eyes of the LORD* Rev. 2:8-11; 3:14-22 08/12/2024 The churches of Pergamum & Thyatira: faithful churches that allow false teaching* Rev. 2:12-17; 2:18-29 15/12/2024 The church of Sardis: a church in name only* Rev. 3:1-6 22/12/2024 The glory of God* (Christmas) Rev. 4:1-11 29/12/2024 The church of Philadelphia: a small but victorious church* Rev. 3:7-13 Note: * all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.