
Sunday Service LOCATION

Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Ave, Bromley, BR6 8ER, UK

Sunday Service Time

Cantonese Service : 10:00 am
Kids Church (Cantonese) : 10:00 am
Youth (Cantonese  or English) : 10:00 am
Small Groups : After Services till 1:00 pm

Mission Statement

We have been sent by the CCiL to establish a vibrant community church in the Bromley area, to pastor the Cantonese-speaking Chinese community, to train up believers to be leaders, to witness to God in their families and in the workplace, and to bring the Gospel to the community through loving service.

We thank God for the establishment of Bromley Congregation, the eleventh congregation of the Chinese Church in London, which started its Sunday services on 1 September 2024.

We thank the Lord for allowing the Croydon Congregation to receive the vision to plant a church in Bromley and to send suitable leaders and believers to participate in the church. At present, there are about thirty brothers and sisters committed to the ministry, and through the various preliminary works, we have also reached out to several believers and unbelievers living in Bromley.

Our congregation is located in Bromley area and our meeting place is at the Darrick Wood School in the district. The congregation will be positioned as a community church to develop the gospel ministry in the area and to serve the Chinese community in the area.

We are grateful to the Lord for His abundant provision of manpower and resources for the various ministries of the church, which He has prepared and is gradually putting in place. We have been able to serve one and another in unity and cooperation.

At present, the congregation is managed by the Church Planting Committee of the congregation and is under the pastoral care of one of the staff, Mr Chung Yan Ming. Apart from Sunday worship services, there are also children’s and youth ministries, family groups, and bible study groups etc.