YEC18 Workshops

The theme of this year’s Youth Easter Camp is Arise. In addition to the main sessions, there will be workshop slots on Saturday for everybody to attend 2 workshops.

Click on the workshop titles below to read the descriptions, and then go down to tell us your top 3 choices. You’ll only attend 2, but we need a third choice in case your first or second choice is full.

  • Every Young Man’s Battle (For Guys)

    We’re constantly surrounded by sex… online, TV, movies, it’s everywhere! How are we meant to resist temptation, especially when Christians can’t have sex before marriage… is God just setting us up to fail? Can we even talk about porn at church?

    Enter the battle, you’re not alone.

    – Ollie Knight

  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, But Why?

    Is God the Creator and Ruler of everything in the universe? And if He is the Creator, then why did He create? Do these questions even matter?

    Come and explore how God reveals Himself in His wonderful design of the human body – but also discover the unexpected and life-changing answer to the question of why God made us.

    – Zara & Yu Jin Lee

  • Saved to be Sent

    Millions have died for this message. Millions are dying this year without it. What is this message worth living for and worth dying for, and what do we do with it? Come find out!

    – Hannah Chan

  • Social ME-dia

    Our mobile phones, for better and for worse, have become an extension of ourselves, our experiences and our relationships. But what part of ‘Me’ is being put out there? What part of ‘Me’ is social media dictating? What’s our life filter? Who are we #fbf? Does it matter?

    – Jon Szeto

  • Where is the Love? (For Girls)

    Whether we like it or not, we are all involved in many relationships – with our families, peers, and teachers, just to name a few. But do you know how you relate to them? Do you most enjoy spending quality time with your loved ones? Do you treasure words of affirmation from someone you respect? Do actions speak louder than words when it comes to knowing that someone cares for you?

    In this workshop you will be finding out your “love language” and how you relate to others. You will also be hearing from three girls of different ages about their relationships with each other, with people around them, and why relationships matter.

    – Charis Hung, Juli Lau & Jasmine Lim