Sharing at IDMC “Prayer & Share” Gathering on 27 January 2018 (at SOC)

From September 2017 and every other month since , the CCiL family embarked a new journey of worship & sharing as a community of prayerful love. As we seek God & hear Him together, some shared with us their sensing. Let us learn to discern & to resonate:

Regarding Fear:

  • Fear: lots of different fear in life.
  • Ps 46 : God is a safe place to hid e , ready to help us when we need Him. We can stand fearless … before the rush & roar of oceans, the trem ors that shift mountains.
  • There is NO NEED to fear because God is with us.
  • We can take courage to conquer & overcome fear.

A small smooth wooden cross:

  • Jesus surrendered & obeyed the Father’s will. What about my obedience?
  • Recalling a time when my heart was filled with troubles & fear, yet unexpected peace was felt after prayer. God said “I am with you, don’t insist on your own way My Spirit is with you, there is no need to fear.”
  • About an hour after that, something happened and my heart & mind were changed, and I was able to lay down my stubborn will & my own plan.
A plaster:
  • A graze or open wound is prone to infection if not covered or protected.
  • A plaster could aid recovery but often we overlook our brokenness and leave our wound unhealed.
A pebble:
  • Felt the weight when held in my hand .
  • Small matter can weigh my heart down .
  • But the weight can also serve like an anchor; God’s presence can keep me steady.
  • Stones can also be used to build protecting walls just as in Nehemiah’s time.
  • We are like living stones being built up as a spiritual house for God to dwell.
  • Each one is precious & needed to be a holy people to do priestly work.
  • Praying together strengthens our hands to do His work – I have been blessed by the weekly prayer fellowship with Kids Church servers.
Praying together as a way of walking in love:
  • 4 mothers for 3 years praying via Skype every other Saturday morning at 7am.
  • Authenticity leads to deep desire to love & serve God.
  • In the face of death & a blocked toilet, my sister could still choose to worship because God is still loving & sovereign. Hallelujah.