This May will usher in CCIL’s first Integral Mission Month, coinciding with CCIL’s sermon series “The Church in Action” on the book of Acts.
Integral Mission month will replace previous years’ separate Outreach Action Team (OAT) and Carelinks Sundays.
We will also be focusing on our call, as disciples of Christ, to love our neighbour, because Christ first loved us. How can we be loving the people of London in Jesus’ name?
Integral Mission Month affords us the opportunity to:
Give thanks to God for his grace upon us.
Learn about, reflect on and pray about how we, as individuals and as a church, can love God by sharing his love with others in both word and deed.
Then put that love into Action!
This Integral Mission month, we will be introducing outreach ministries which are supported by our church. In addition, at the end of May, a team from Operation Dawn (the oldest drug rehabilitation charity in Hong Kong ) will visit us. They will be leading sessions and evangelistic Sunday services on the following days and congregations (In Cantonese):
- 25th May (Wednesday) – New Soho Congregation: Wednesday Elders’ Fellowship
- 29 th May (Sunday) – Morning: Croydon Congregation Sunday Service; Afternoon: Colindale Congregation Sunday Service
Please attend to find out how God is at work through the ministry of Operation Dawn, and to reflect and pray about how God can use you through getting involved in London-based organisations that minister to those who struggle with addictions.