“Vapour” Sermon Series 18 Feb – 29 Mar

Lent Themes:
Self-examination, self-denial, self-giving, selflessness, penitence and preparation for Easter

“Turn your eyes upon yourself and beware…” Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

During the 40 days of Lent we remember Jesus’s 40 days in the wilderness, being tested by Satan. Lent is the church’s yearly wilderness experience. It is about making space in our lives for God to come and fill. It is a time of self-examination, self-denial, self-giving, selflessness, penitence and preparation for Easter. The focus of self-examination is not to be self-indulgent but is done in comparison to the life of Christ. It exposes our weaknesses plainly and bluntly. It is not condemning buts leads us to dwell on greater things.

“Blessed is that person who always has the hour of death before his eyes and who is daily prepared to die! Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

Lent is also a time when we consider our death which is a subject that most people try to avoid. However, our mortality has a way of bringing our life’s purpose, meaning, longings and desires into clearer focus.

Life can be beautiful, good, joyful and holds the possibility of unspeakable wonder. However, we also know that life can be uncertain, unjust, dark and runs the risk of being terrifyingly meaningless. In this highly reflective series on Ecclesiastes, we will explore the challenges of our transient lives and discover meaning in the midst of uncertainties.

Date Theme Bible Verses
18 Feb Ash Wednesday Service
22 Feb Vapour: A Dead-End Pursuit Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:23
1 Mar Vapour: Turning Point Ecclesiastes 2:24-3:22
8 Mar Vapour: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Ecclesiastes 4:1-10:20
15 Mar Vapour: Faith is a Risky Business Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
22 Mar Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Vapour: Rejoice, But Remember Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8
29 Mar Vapour: The End of the Matter Ecclesiastes 12:9-14