March is our Carelinks Month, in which our church focuses on social concern every year.
The Carelinks team organises relevant talks and activities, helping us to follow our Lord Jesus in the areas of loving our neighbour, reaching out and advocating social justice – these are the aims of Carelinks.
Carelinks Sunday is on 22nd March. The offertory collected on that day shall be dedicated to the Carelinks Fund. Please be prepared and be generous. This year the target is £ 42,000.
We have produced an annual book that has been uploaded onto the church Carelinks webpage.
In addition, the talks by pastor David Lee on “Church and Social Concern” have also been uploaded for listening.
Finally, the Carelinks team is looking forward to hearing your comments and participation in social concern. Please speak to Pastor CK Cheung, Pastoral Worker Anita Tang, Carelinks Secretary David Chau or any representatvie/member of the Carelinks team, or email: