Student Outreach 2017-18 Sign Up Sheet
Over 17,000 overseas Chinese students come to London each year for college education, and the majority of them are from China.
A multi-congregational student-outreach team has been meeting to plan for the upcoming fresher’s welcoming events. This year our church and the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) will be teaming up for the outreach effort, and we plan to have dedicated booths at King’s College (18-22 Sep.; to be confirmed), LSE (21 Sep.), City University (26 Sep.), University of Arts London (30. Sep.), and Imperial College (3 Oct.).
You can support this key effort this year in one of the following ways:
- Please consider joining our team in distributing leaflets during fresher’s weeks;
- Please consider offering your help in organizing the fresher’s week events;
- Please consider offering your help in terms of logistics support (e.g. preparing meals);
- Please pray for the outreach. We will be organizing prayer meetings and prayer walks in Sep. and Oct. Please do join us and remember us in your daily prayers.
Please fill in the online form at or send us an email at (with your contact details), or contact your congregation rep. if you would like to help. Thank you.
May the Lord greatly bless our effort this year to transform the lives of many student friends.
CCiL Student Outreach Team 2017