Your Kingdom Come Sermon Series

Service Planning resources

Welcome to the first instalment of Sunday service resources for our CCiL sermon series 2015-2016! It is our privilege to welcome back Keri Lim (our community outreach church worker, seconded from LCM) to join our discussion regarding the up and coming sermon series, ‘Your Kingdom Come’, that covers this season of Advent.


We hope that you will be able to watch this video as a Sunday service team (chairpersons, worship music leaders, preachers, creative heads, etc) and use it as a way of getting your whole team on the same page. If this is not possible, maybe start a discussion by email to share your thoughts with the rest of the team.


Song stack and Opensong files

Preaching resources

The 2015-2016 CCiL Sermon Series User Guide:

2015-2016 CCiL Sermon Series User Guide -Front cover