Worldwide Evangelisation for Christ

WEC International has always been a pioneer mission – sharing Jesus across cultural barriers where he’s least known.  We enter the life of local community and expect to see churches flourish in cultures. Our diverse activities include youth work, teaching, medical work, music and the arts, Bible translation and literacy, business enterprises, ministries with addicts and children in crisis, and helping local Christians to share the gospel cross-culturally.

Click here  WEC International

Latest Newsletter WEC April 2024

WEC HK‘s vision is to work together with the Hong Kong Churches to plant multiplying churches among the remaining unevangelized peoples of the world.   We give short courses and take mission meetings to inform and inspire churches about world mission. We publish books, magazines and prayer materials to share the needs of the world; we set up prayer networks for missionaries and unreached people groups.       

Click here WEC Hong Kong