A “philosophy” (2:8) was apparently threatening the community at Colossae, causing enough concerns for Paul to write this letter. If left unchecked, the “philosophy” could subvert the sufficiency of Christ and his gospel, and leave the Colossians in spiritual “bondage”. Our world is not very dissimilar to theirs – we also face opposition that belittles the supremacy of Jesus Christ, and many Christians in the West are left with significant doubts of their faith. In our pluralistic world, Christianity, many argue, must learn to accommodate, and must purge itself of any exclusive claims and monopoly of truth. In this letter, however, Paul establishes the “finality, adequacy and all-sufficiency of the cosmic Christ – by whom and for whom all things were made, in whom they cohere, and with whom in God the life of the Christian and of the Church is hidden.” Long before Jesus Christ became the Saviour, He was the Creator (Col. 1:16). It is because of Christ’s supremacy of all things that future hope of renewal of human and creation alike find its abiding value and confidence: “through him [Christ] to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.” (Col. 1:20).
Date | Theme | Chapter |
4/9/2022 | Prayer for Growth and Renewal | Col. 1:1-12 |
11/9/2022 | Special Sunday | To be specified by speaker |
18/9/2022 | Priority and Preeminence of Christ | Col. 1:13-23 |
25/9/2022 | Paul’s Ministry Priority | Col. 1:24-2:5 |
2/10/2022 | Philosophies and Human Rules that Distract | Col. 2:6-23 |
9/10/2022 | Putting Off and Putting On | Col. 3:1-17 |
16/10/2022 | Preeminence of Christ Put in Practice I: Daily Life | Col. 3:18-4:1 |
23/10/2022 | Preeminence of Christ Put in Practice II: Christian Service | Col. 4:2-18 |