“Transformation through healing and empowerment” Sermon Series 7th July – 11th August

“I want to change my circumstances. God wants to change me.” (Rick Warren)

In our pursuit of transformation beside learning Jesus’ teachings and his exemplary holy and obedient life, we need to receive his healings and empowerment – be it spiritual, physical and emotional – so as to reach spiritual wholeness. One good spiritual resource is to learn from the books of Psalms and Ephesians in order to understand how his promises heal and empower us. King David in Ps. 51 was very aware that he needed to regain that joy of salvation once again by transformation of his unclean heart through God’s forgiveness. The deeper we appreciate  the forgiveness of God in our weaknesses the deeper will be the transformation and the consequent joy. In Ps. 103 we see the benefits of trusting in a God who promises to heal, to forgive and to bless. We can always come to God and seek his promises over our needs. Ps. 46 calls us to be still and know that he is control especially in the midst of storm. He is our true security, but sadly many find it in the wrong place. Ps. 91 is a very comforting psalm that directs us to be rested in the presence of God. Unless our soul is at rest in God almighty himself, we can never have true peace, and will often be caught up with anxieties, worries and burdens which affect our spiritual transformation. In Eph. 3 and 5, the apostolic prayer Paul lifted and the imperative command to be constantly filled by Holy Spirit are crucial in our transformation. We need God’s power and love for victorious living

Date Theme Chapter
07/07/2024 Restoring the joy of salvation* Ps. 51
14/07/2024 His promises to forgive, heal and bless us* Ps. 103
21/07/2024 The true security in the midst of storm* Ps. 46
28/07/2024 Finding rest in his presence* Ps. 91
04/08/2024 Apostolic prayer for our empowered victorious living* Eph. 3:14-21
11/08/2024 A Spirit-filled life* Eph. 5:15-20

Note: * all these titles are tentative for preachers’ use only; chairpersons should consult with the preacher in order to obtain the actual sermon title for the week.