Get Involved


There are lots of ways our church members can get involved in the discipleship of The Next Generation. Please note that meeting certain criteria is expected and regular hands-on volunteers would be subject to an enhanced criminal record vetting check (through the Disclosure & Barring Service, DBS) and a ministry application and interview process.

  • Frontline Ministry
    The hands-on team are the people who work directly with young people and care for them.  The more leaders we have the more intentional we can be. We need leaders, teachers, small-group leaders, organisers etc. We recognise that not everyone can be involved every week, so we also have opportunities for people to work on a rota system.
  • Support Team
    This team consists of people who are committed to caring about an individual leader or young person, without necessarily being involved in the weekly running of our youth groups. Their main role is to support and encourage the youth ministry. This could be through mentoring relationships, intentionally keeping in touch with individuals, inviting them to your home for a meal etc.
  • Resources Team
    This team provides an opportunity for people to get involved in youth ministry through the sharing of specialised abilities. People can join this team by making their skills available for use at youth groups or youth events. These could be in areas such as arts and crafts, music, cooking, photography, video editing, career advice etc. We have all been blessed with gifts, why not see how you could use them to encourage and bless our young people!
  • Prayer Warriors
    We believe that our ministry will not grow unless we develop a strong foundation of prayer. The prayer team will be made up of men and women who will commit to praying on a regular basis through regular prayer lists, prayer gatherings, or prayer for individual young people and leaders.

If you would like to find out more or get involved in any of the above teams, please contact us. We would love to be in touch with you and see how we can partner with you in this exciting ministry!