The Next Generation Ministry is a lively and loving community for young people, with Kids Church for primary school ages and Youth Church for secondary school ages, with groups across the centres of CCiL.
Rising up to live out a lasting faith in Jesus!
To see The Next Generation live out this vision, discipleship takes place through intentional relationships and fellowship, seen in a number of ways such as:
– creative worship and prayer
– interactive biblical learning
– social activities and games
– pastoral care in small groups and mentoring
– growing in gifting by serving others
– participation in integral mission
Transforming lives from wide to deep: Big groups bring our young people together to hear the gospel. Small groups and mentoring enable us to experience life and grow together, building up character and a commitment to Christian living.
By working together as a church family, we aim to model Christ-centred:
– Identity: As our young people ask “Who am I?” we affirm that they are enough in Christ.
– Belonging: As our young people ask “Where do I fit?” we show that they belong with God’s people.
– Purpose: As our young people ask “What difference can I make?” we invite them into God’s story.
(© 2021 Kara E. Powell and Brad M. Griffin, ‘3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager’, Fuller Youth Institute.)
For details of our groups and programmes, please visit the TNG webpages, or contact a member of our team.