The Carelinks Fund collects donations from the church family and represents CCIL in distributing your donations to the organisations and projects that Carelinks supports.
Specifically, your donation to the Carelinks fund enables us to support the Christian Centre for Gambling Rehabilitation in helping gamblers come out of their addiction, the Chinese Association for Cancer Care for their support to cancer patients and their families, and the Tamar works in Westminster to reach and support workers in the sex industry with a focus on trafficked women. We pass on your donation to Tearfund for global poverty relief and CEDAR fund’s ministry in China so that those in need are blessed by your kindness. Over 500 Christmas shoeboxes were assembled and sent last Christmas to Samaritan’s Purse, for the Operation Christmas Child programme – shoeboxes making is on the way.
This year, the target of the Carelinks Fund is £ 50,000. The more donations the Fund received, the more we are able to bless those in great need.
Contributions to the Carelinks Fund can be made in the following ways:
- Set up a standing order by filling out the relevant application form. Please obtain this from your congregation treasurer or the church office.
- Make cheques payable to Chinese Church in London and mark Carelinks Fund on the back.
- Place cash in an envelope and mark Carelinks Fund.
- Please make use of Gift Aid where possible.
Please note that currently Carelinks does not have the capacity to respond to any rapid relief need, therefore the church family is encouraged to donate directly through relevant charities’ urgent appeal avenues. In general, the church family can decide to donate through the Carelinks Fund or directly to the organisations. Carelinks hopes to raise prayer awareness and support for: disasters, ending violence as well as local and overseas community needs.