“Subversive Mission” Mission Month Sermon Series 5th – 26th November 2023

Theme : Subversive Mission: Discover a New Way to do Missions

Why there are many full-time missionaries being sent from everywhere to everywhere (no longer from west to east)? What is an Integral Mission? How do tentmaking missionaries share the gospel? When is World Mission changing and Where is World Mission now?

Currently CCiL has 3 languages service (Cantonese, Mandarin & English) and 13 Sunday services (7 Cantonese, 4 Mandarin, 2 English). Each sermon is 30 minutes max in duration. Speakers to choose their own bible passages for their sermons to inspire, educate, and mobilize the church community to actively participate in God’s mission of spreading His love and salvations to all people. Some key elements include “Biblical Foundation”, “Urgency of the Mission”, “Personal Stories and Testimonies”, “Culture Relevance”, Practical Applications”, “Prayer and Dependence on God “, “The role of every believer” etc.

Date Theme
05/11/2023 Full-time Missionaries
12/11/2023 Integral Mission
19/11/2023 Tentmaking Missionaries
26/11/2023 World Mission