Psalm 120 kicks off a series of Psalms (Psalms 120-134) that are known as the “Psalm of Ascent,” and most believe that they were used liturgically by pilgrims who were on their upward journey to sacred city of Zion/Jerusalem, and particular its temple, to seek God’s blessing. In this first sermon series, we will engage in depth the reflections of these early pilgrims as they walk in the “path of the righteous” in their daily lives, and when confronted with national crisis. Like Psalm 120, many of these Psalms close without resolutions. Many of the verbs used, e.g. “sojourn” (gwr) and “lodge” (škn), serve as subtle reminders to the postexilic Jews living in the Diaspora that they should regard their dwelling there as temporary. By studying these Psalms, we will not only gain comfort, learn to be honest / authentic with God, draw insights on how to trust God in our own particular circumstances, but will be reminded that we too are pilgrims and sojourners in this world: “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 3:20). We, like one of the hymn writers say, must press on the upward way, new heights to be gaining every day; still praying as we onward bound, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
Date | Theme | Chapter |
6/12/2020 | The Vigilant God of the Church | Psalm 121 |
13/12/2020 | A Song of Trust for Life’s Crisis | Psalm 130 |
20/12/2020 | A Song of Trust for the Harvest | Psalm 126 |
27/12/2020 | A Song of Trust for the Family | Psalm 128 |
3/1/2021 | A Song of Trust for the Individual | Psalm 139 |
10/1/2021 | The King of the Church | Psalm 145 |