On Sunday 3 October Johnny finished his run on London Marathon !
Praise our Lord! Johnny Yam completed the running of the famous London Marathon for the Chinese Church in London.
Thank you for praying for his safety and every step he took to finish the Marathon.
Thank God London Marathon completed smoothly on 3rd October 2021.
Thank you for prayers and donation support to Johnny.
Up to 10th October, there was £6,513 raised for church Building Fund
The following is Johnny’s sharing.
Dear brothers and sister,
Praise God and thank God I finished the marathon on Sunday and achieved my personal best time of 3 hours 53 minutes. I was totally touched by the supports and prayers throughout the whole marathon journey. Despite having muscle cramp half way through, these supports and prayers had totally sustained my determinations to complete the run.
Every moment was the reward of 2 years consistent training and I enjoyed it. As I said before, it was just the beginning and I would continue to run and serve the Lord. I pray for all of you to run the Christian life and faithfully serve the Lord to finish well, receive the eternal reward and medal from the Lord. Thanks again for the kind donation, prayers and support. Next time it will be your turn!
Dear brothers and sisters,
It is the day, I will be running the London Marathon from 9:40am and aim to finish around 1pm. My race number is 33084, you can follow me on the day. I will update you next week to see how it goes, many thanks for your support, prayers and donation.
God bless,
Dear brothers and sisters,
Just one week to go and I feel excited! My aim is to enjoy every moment and my target time to finish is about 3 hr 30mins. Pray for safety, all the final preparations and thank you for all your support and kind donation.
God bless,
Dear brothers and sisters,
Training for marathon is like a life journey. It is the determination to have a daily training routine and rest. Very often, I wake up early in the morning and meditate, read the bible then run for an hour. During the run, I meditate God’s words, pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. It really helps to stay close to God and appreciate that every breath and steps are God’s grace. Let’s us all walk and serve God daily and give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
There are so many benefits to regular exercise and running. It helps to improve physically and mentally and keep you well from many illnesses. For me in particular, running is a time dedicated to God for mediation and prayers. Often I woke up early in the morning to read the Bible and run to meditate and pray and lift my worries and needs to God. Regular exercise and running will also help to build resilience and endurance and it certainly resonates with Paul’s saying to finish well in the race and our Christian life. Wish you all physically, mentally and spiritually well.
God bless,