Following the current government guidelines on restrictions on physical meetings due to Covid-19, the Board has decided to hold CCiL AGM 2020 online on
Saturday 26 September 2020 from 2 pm to 4 pm.
You are also invited to attend a forum before the AGM, from 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm, you will be able to meet the ordination candidates Timothy Lau and
Oliver Knight, and to find out more about other AGM resolutions if time permits.
We have sent out the AGM notice and documents to all CCiL registered members via email or post. Instructions about attending the online AGM &
Forum and voting are included in the information pack. Please check your email inbox/junk mail or post box. If you have not received them by now, please contact your Pastoral Staff or email:
Let’s join our hearts to pray for the preparation for this important meeting under unprecedented circumstances.