Winter is the time when respiratory infections are high. Everyone should maintain basic personal and hand hygiene at all times.
If you have just come back from China and have any respiratory symptoms (including fever), the Church advises you to stay at home and not attend any Sunday services and church activities. Please follow the instructions from Public Health below and contact your GP.
Public Health England advised if you develop respiratory symptoms (including fever) within 14 days of visiting Wuhan, China, you should seek medical attention either in China or on return to the UK. You should phone ahead before attending any health services and mention your recent travel to the city.
The following has been extracted from the government website on health and hygiene.
How to reduce your risk of infection and infecting others:
- You must Clean your hands with SOAP and WATER and EVERY TIME after using the toilets; Alcohol-based disinfectant are available in some areas and more are being ordered.
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing into tissues; dispose used tissues into waste bins.
- Avoid close contact with people with cold or flu-like symptoms. Rest at home if you have fever.
The Foreign Office has issued a warning against “all but essential” travel to Wuhan, China after the Government announced all direct flights from Wuhan into Heathrow would be subjected to enhanced monitoring.
This notice is for your information only, if you would like further information please go to the following website and seek medical advice if you are concerned.